Videos ‘Live’ for Health for Animals

Our video interviews recorded in Delhi, India, for the organisation Health for Animals, have gone live on their You Tube channel.


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Working in partnership with Pegasus, the UK-based integrated communications company, we attended the 5th Global Animal Health Conference, held in Delhi, on behalf of Health for Animals – the conference organiser. We interviewed a series of key Printopinion leaders’  who were asked a number of questions including: “How can harmonised regulations improve global animal welfare?”; “Why must we stop counterfeit illegal animal medicines?”; “How can disease tracking and healthy animals prevent a pandemic?”. The video ‘thumbnails’ have now been finalised and published by Health for Animals.

Politicians, senior animal health experts, industry, academia, inter-governmental bodies and international organisations came together to exchange views on the importance of good regulatory governance of veterinary medicines. Attendees discussed how sound governance and alignment to international standards promotes improved animal health that in turn contributes to socio-economic development.

Speakers focused on India and South Asia and the need for appropriate regulatory systems to enable the registration, market access and market control of quality assured animal health products, and the contribution this makes to the ‘One Health’ vision.

Prior to the conference, select attendees also participated in a multi-day workshop on improving collaboration and regulatory harmonization.