Barcelona filming produces amazing interviews
We recorded an amazing collection of video interviews and testimonials for our clients, Volition RX, at the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine congress in Barcelona.
Our background in television and radio journalism means we are experts at gathering what is know in the trade as vox pops (Latin for voice of the people), which sum up key views from attendees at various events. These are a valuable source of views from practitioners who will often help to build the future for a company like Volition which can help to save millions of lives worldwide.
Sepsis kills an estimated 11 million people a year, which is more than cancer or coronary disease. In 2017, there were an estimated 49 million cases, with over half of all cases occurring among children and accounting for 2.9 million deaths in under-fives.
Approximately half of survivors are left with psychological and/or physical effects. They may struggle to remember everyday things, no longer be able to walk or be unable to dress or bathe themselves without help.
Early detection and treatment of sepsis has the potential to improve survival – and improve the quality of life of survivors.
See the video on this Linked In posting: